Posts Tagged ‘Writing’

Recent acceptances

Friday, June 19th, 2009

Pleased to say that I placed a short ghost story with Supernatural Tales and a five page horror strip with an upcoming Insomnia anthology.

Both out next year sometime, I should think.


Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Got my contributor copies of Wasted issue 2 today.

68 full colour pages including Holmes Has It Large by me and Adrian Bamforth.

The Bad Press/Wasted lads also have  a spanking new website up here.

Another Project Luna: 1947 preview

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Here’s another teasing peek at what Jim Boswell has been up to while working on our graphic novel . . .


Innsmouth Free Press

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Innsmouth Free Press is a fictional newspaper publishing faux news as well as original short fiction stories. We also feature some of Lovecraft’s classic tales.

They’ve already posted the full text of Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

The first issue launches on June 1st, 2009 and my short story Beneath The Cold Black Sea will be in the Autumn issue. Due out in the, ummm, Autumn.

I knew all that tentacle porn Lovecraft research would pay off.

Hayes and Boswell in Futurequake

Monday, March 9th, 2009

Our story “Intergalactic Bank Robbing Teenage Space Aliens On The Run” appears in issue 12.

Story by me, art by Jim Boswell.


Lots of other good stuff in there too!

Futurequake #12

The Profligacy Show

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Got my comp copies of the Spring ’09 issue of The Stinging Fly today.


128 pages packed full of top quality fiction and poetry including my short story The Profligacy Show (in which someone pisses themselves, so, might be worth a punt for all the urine fetishists out there), plus poems by Knut Ødegård, and a short story by Booker Prize winner James Kelman.

Only seven euros . . . bargain!

Northern Haunts on amazon

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Northern Haunts is a horror anthology containing 100 700-word short stories, including my contribution, Bad Place.

It’s available now on amazon.


Proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

Project Luna: 1947 – small preview

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Jim Boswell has started work on Project Luna: 1947.

Here’s a tiny peek at what he’s been up to . . .

Project Luna: 1947 preview

I especially like the fact that the fellow on the right somehow ended up looking like HP Lovecraft.  This makes me strangely happy.


More images over on Jim’s blog.

Bad Static – inked

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Here’s John Cahill’s spiffing inked version of the panel I posted a couple of days ago – top cropped off so as not to give the game away with word balloons and what not.

Bad Static

Sunday, January 18th, 2009

Sneak-peek of John Cahill’s pencils for Bad Static, our five page strip that’ll be appearing in Something Wicked.

Out in November, I think.

Impossible as it may be to beleive after seeing John’s brilliant rendering of a loveable old geezer, the story doesn’t contain even a single mention of Werther’s Originals.

Project Luna: 1947

Friday, December 19th, 2008

Project Luna: 1947 will be an 88 page original graphic novel written by me with art by Jim Boswell, who I worked with a little while ago on a four page sci-fi strip for Futurequake.

Contracts with Markosia are signed and we’re good to go.  Above is Jim’s first mock-up cover, a try out as he gets to grips with the characters, sorts out their hair colours and builds, designs the ships and what not, and it looks rather splendid.

Jim’s a great artist and I’m really looking forward to seeing his pages as they come in.

So, some good news to end the year on.  Who knows . . . next year might not be complete shit after all.

Spamface in Nature

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

My short story, Spamface, appears in this week’s issue of Nature, on sale August 28th.

Sneak peek

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

Here’s a panel from the first page of “Intergalactic Bank Robbing Teenage Space Aliens on the Run,” a four-page strip for FutureQuake.

Art and letters by Jim Boswell, who, as always, is doing an insanely good job.

I wish I could show the whole page, Jim’s art really is spiffing stuff.


Barren Worlds on amazon

Monday, July 7th, 2008

My story Something out of Nothing appears in Barren Worlds, a new anthology from Hadley Rille Books.

$12.92 here.

Northern Haunts

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

Tim Deal emailed me to say that my story Bad Place has been accepted for his new anthology Northern Haunts.

All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

Cover art by Christopher Zibelli

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